Find out what we’ve been up to
VR4LL app available on the Oculus store
Sept 12, 2022
We are extremely happy to announce that today the app is available for download straight from the Oculus store for free. LINK
MPE: Final Conference
ADRIES 2022, July 7-9, Split, Croatia
Through this two-day event, partners demonstrated project results and their use in language teaching classrooms. They also brought a number of globally recognized speakers in the field of Virtual Reality in education. We presented innovative teaching approaches and the development and implementation of innovative technologies in language learning.
2nd transnational training event
Our second training event was designed for language teachers and trainers, focusing on the use of VR4LL in the classroom. Due to travel restrictions, event was organized online. Total of 44 teachers from partner institutions and seven additional teachers from other language schools participated in this training event, gaining new skills and knowledge in the use of this innovative technology.
6th partner meeting – 6 July 2022
Partners worked hard on the creation of the intellectual outputs and expressed their satisfaction with the final versions. As of September, they will be made fully public in the Oculus store!
As dissemination and sustainability are crucial at this stage, partners agreed to make teacher’s notes available on the VR4LL website and the partner websites as well as on the Erasmus Results Page.
5th partner meeting – 3–4 March 2022, Rijeka, Croatia
Our fifth transnational meeting was held in a hybrid form.
For those participating in person, Dante welcomed them in Rijeka from 3 to 4 March 2022. The meeting was very fruitful and we made sure everyone is on track with the VR4LL project tasks.
4th partner meeting
The meeting was organized in Bucharest, Romania. Although our spirits were dampened by the strict covid-19 curfew, partners were happy for being able to meet live.
The focus of the meeting was development update for our third intellectual output, preparations for our second transnational teacher training event, final revision of our virtual tasks and considerations for expanding our project beyond materials developed by partners.
3rd Partner meeting – Split 12-15.07.2021
After a year of restrictions we were all glad to meet in person for our third partner meeting in beautiful Split. The team had the chance to not only discuss the management tasks, but more importantly test out the environments together and strategies on the best ways to use the technology in classrooms!
Partners also had a chance to establish the framework for the upcoming piloting activities, scheduled for November of 2021. A number of associated partners have already pledged participation in piloting events, enabling us to test VR4LL on greater number of students and obtain more relevant data.
First transnational teacher training event – Split 3-9.07.2021
“We use VR in education to explain something that is otherwise quite difficult to explain” – these were the words with which Frank Del Aguila Espejo commenced the transnational teacher training event, held at Jantar – International House Split. This three-day training event was attended by more than 20 teachers from all partner institutions. Participants had an opportunity to test out a number of exciting and engaging VR tools and apps that can be applied in language teaching using the new Oculus Quest 2 headset.
Completed primary development of Virtual Tasks 31.03.2021
Our second intellectual output – Virtual Tasks – includes (as the name suggests) a series of tasks that students need to complete inside our Virtual Worlds. Most of these are designed as digital escape rooms and require students to solve a series of puzzles and other activities in order to reach the final goal. Others are designed to facilitate creativity and experimentation through different construction-type activities.
This intellectual output is designed to facilitate language learning through student engagement and communication and integrates innovative teaching methodologies such as task-based learning and total physical response.
Newsletter #3 03.12.2020
After months of development we’ve reached a state of near completion for all 4 worlds. Some fine tuning will be done over the next year, however the focus now shifts to creating the interactive tasks that are the basis of the language learning process.
2nd Partner meeting – Barcelona (Online) 29-30.06.2020
We couldn’t deprive ourselves of the precious few opportunities to get together for a face-to-face brainstorming. And so we held our regular partner meeting virtually. It was really useful to exchange ideas with other members of the project and also ask the development team technical questions regarding the implementation of these ideas.
Newsletter #2 17.06.2020
In this newsletter we shared the first impressions of staff and students after experiencing the alpha build of the first world. The feedback was amazing! So we strive on.
Newsletter #1 27.01.2020
Announcing VR4LL to the world. In the first iteration of our regular newsletter we set the stage for what is to come; what the project is and what worlds will be the theater for the program.
Team meeting Croatia 01.02.2019
It was a pleasure and privilege hosting our first partner meeting Škola Jantar. We enjoyed every minute on working together and we’re all excited about the next phase of our VR development 🎮💻